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Ben Berwick was born in the 1980s, and grew up in a small town called Stevenage, north of London, but was formed by the 1990s. It was in the 90s that he found Star Trek, Nintendo, and in his humble opinion, the very best Disney had to offer. He found football and became a Liverpool FC supporter. He also loves Formula One racing.

Ben lives in Essex, with his wife Michelle, and daughter, Evangeline. Since meeting Michelle, he has learned of love's enduring, noble qualities, and since becoming a father, known the highest possible levels of joy a man can experience. He shares his life's adventure with them both, and with his daughter, his love of Nintendo!

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Gustavo Bondoni is novelist and short story writer with over three hundred stories published in fifteen countries, in seven languages. He is a member of Codex and an Active Member of SFWA. His latest science fiction novel is Splinter (2021), a sequel to his 2017 novel Outside. He has also published four monster books: Ice Station: Death(2019), Jungle Lab Terror (2020), Test Site Horror (2020), and Lost Island Rampage (2021), two other science fiction novels: Incursion (2017) and Siege (2016) and an ebook novella entitled Branch. His short fiction is collected in Pale Reflection (2020), Off the Beaten Path (2019) Tenth Orbit and Other Faraway Places (2010) and Virtuoso and Other Stories (2011).​

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C. S. Devereaux’s love for the history of ordinary people grew out of listening to her grandmothers tell about their lives. An artist-turned-writer, she studied people throughout her life. She has published essays in The Sun magazine, short stories in the Chattanooga Writers’ Guild 2020 Anthology, and has a short story in the Realms of the Fantastic fantasy anthology from Jumpmaster Press. Her previous novels were memoirs, Another Adventure, and Idelle. C. S. Devereaux lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with her husband Tom, Zoe cat, and Ninja dog. 

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Saph Dodd has been writing for as long as she’s known how. Since she first picked up a pencil and learned to string sentences together, she’s been creating fantastic and intriguing stories.

This twenty-six-year-old writer adores reading, especially action-adventure, fantasy, and horror stories, as well as lore and mythology. 

Her first novel, published when she was sixteen, spurred her to continue to do what she loves. Writing is her passion.

She lives in a small Tennessee town with her family: a younger sister, Jennifer, a constant source of inspiration, and supportive parents.


Erik Dreiling, a native of California, enlisted in the United States Army in 2009. He completed basic training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. His first duty station was Fort Bliss, Texas, where he served as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic with the 1st Armored Division. He served honorably for five years until 2013 when his focus shifted to his young family. He and his family still reside in West Texas. 

In 2014, Dreiling attended American Military University. In 2018, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English concentrating in Writing. Currently, he is still enrolled in AMU, working toward his Master of Education in Teaching.

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New England author, G.G. Garth has authored, ghostwritten, and development edited over 50 books for other authors published by Scala Arts Publishers, Center Street Press/Hachette, and others. Her Young Adult novels Nightmare Matinee, Driven to Kill!, Bad Dog: A Vampire’s Canine, and Party Till You Scream! published by Jumpmaster Press™ (2020) were first published by Bantam Doubleday Dell (1994-1995). She graduated from Wells College, Aurora, New York, with a B.A. in German and Spanish literature. In high school she graduated from Holderness School, Plymouth, New Hampshire, and attended Berkhamsted School for Girls in Hertfordshire, England. Extensive travel on four continents inspired many of her stories. G.G. Garth is the proud mother of talented writers, Alden, a comedienne, and Jack, a journalist.


Angel LaPoint was born and raised in Alabama and spent many happy holidays in Louisiana with her Cajun father’s relatives, so she knows what it is like to live in two different worlds. She currently lives in Alabama with her two cats while she patiently waits for God to bring her Prince Charming into her life. 

She has been creating worlds and characters her entire life. She studied fairy tale literature and history in high school, and took creative writing and playwriting courses in college. She enjoys many other creative interests, such as crochet and cosplay. She and her best friend are currently crafting the foundation for a tabletop adventure RPG set in their shared fantasy realm. 

Though Hidden Identity is her first published work, many more stories are certain to follow.

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Art Lasky is a retired computer programmer; after forty years of writing for computers he decided to try writing for people—it’s much harder than it looks.

He is a Manhattan cliff dweller. Sharing an apartment with his spouse, his muse, and his best friend; Manhattan apartments are small, so, fortunately his wife is all three of those. Art’s favorite pursuits are being silly with his grandchildren, visiting the American Museum of Natural History, and wandering Central Park. There he often visits the statues of Mother Goose, Alice in Wonderland and Hans Christian Anderson. He denies all rumors that he talks to them; he does admit to listening closely, though.

Art is the founder of the Algonquin Rectangular Table, a group of writers who get together to talk about the craft, write tag-team stories, solve the world’s problems, and shoot the breeze. He is also an editor at SciFi Lampoon, the premiere magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction humor.


J. L. Lawrence lives near Nashville, Tennessee with her family including three rambunctious teenagers. She loves reading and exploring new places. Her imagination has always provided her greatest adventures. She finally decided to capture some of the stories on paper to create the Mystic Series. Please explore the website and check out her Facebook and Instagram.


Kayan Lucius Rochester likes swords, medieval aesthetics, the martial arts, and European heavy metal music.

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Philip Ligon’s love of fantasy began in earnest when he tried to read The Sword of Shannara for a book report in high school. Though his teacher made him choose a different book for the report, he was forever hooked on epic adventures, quests, and fantastic realms. He proceeded to devour every fantasy book he could find. He threw in a healthy dose of science fiction, too.


Philip calls the hills and valleys of north Alabama home, where modern science brings what was once considered impossible dreams and far-flung ideas to reality.


Graham Page’s life revolves around stories. They are the central part of his world and whether in business or entertainment, they are a part of the world we live in. A good story can teach, can allow an escape and let someone experience both the fantastic and the mundane. It was this understanding that drove him in his pursuit of stories that spoke to him.

Throughout university, Graham learned about classic literature and more modern works that expanded upon the childhood he spent reading in the school library. In his free time, he loved comics, films, tabletop and computer games. He crafted worlds in the computer games and short stories he created. They were outlets for the urge to create a story that was unique and reflected himself, but only through practice and dedication did he came to the realization that stories weren’t just his entertainment; they were his calling.

Now, he hopes you will love his creations, as much as he does, and hopes you will enjoy the journey it takes you on.


With a face for radio and a voice for silent movies, writing was his only recourse.

R. Kyle Hannah is a self-professed geek and lover of most things sci-fi. He began writing in high school as an outlet for an overactive imagination. Those humble beginnings, combined with real life experiences from a 29-year career in the Army, have spawned a dozen full-length adventures and short stories. 

His 2019 release, Harvest Day, won Best Sci-Fi Novel at the 2000 Imadjinn Awards.

He was named One of the 50 Great Writers You Should be Reading by the Author’s Show in 2016. He is also the winner of two Pinnacle Book Awards (Time Assassins and The Jake Cutter Conspiracy).

“Reminiscent of Arthur C. Clarke” is how Writer’s Digest describes his first novel, To Aid and Protect.

He is a founder and Vice President of Jumpmaster Press.

He is married, with two children, and lives in the suburbs of Birmingham, Alabama.

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Jeanne Hardt has always been involved in the arts in one form or fashion. In 1993, she moved to Tennessee from North Idaho to pursue a career in music and acting, but she soon found her true passion…writing.

She wrote songs, plays, and musicals, then in 2010, a dream inspired her to write her first historical fiction novel. Since that time, she has also branched out to both contemporary and young adult fiction.

Jeanne still lives in Tennessee with her husband and her writing buddy, Jax, a spunky chihuahua mix.


A native of New York City, Dale Kesterson is a writer, actress, singer, and character voice artist currently living in the middle of nowhere in a Kansas town so small it doesn’t have a red-yellow-green traffic light. Although a science major in college, she enjoys the creative side of life. 

Staged for Death is the second novel in the Lauren Kaye Mystery series; it follows the debut novel, Resort to Murder, published in 2021. Other published works include her first science fiction short story in the award-winning Tales of the Interstellar Bartenders Guildand she co-authored a two-part time travel series with Aubrey Stephens: The Devil to Pay: Time Guards Volume One and Four Score and Seven: Time Guards Book Two.  

Besides writing, Dale is active in her local community theaters. Her most recent stage role was as Cornelia Sawyer, the store psychologist in The Miracle on 34th Street; she has been stage manager and assistant director for two productions. 

A professional photographer and seasoned traveler, Dale lives with her husband of over thirty years and their hairless cats, and if she’s not otherwise busy she does handcrafts—she hates being bored!


Marie Pridgen was born and raised in a little town called Roscrea in County Tipperary Ireland. Growing up her mother always talked about adventures with the wee people (the fairies). Marie's grandmother, who passed before she got to know her, passed along her amazing stories, and so her childhood was filled with wonder, magic, and imagination, the way a childhood should be. This book was written out of love for both Marie's Mother and Grandmother. She wanted to share her culture and folklore and love and belief of fairies to all who believe in magic.


E.G. Rowley is a nationally recognized voice actor, radio host, award-winning playwright, novelist, and four-time nominee for Audiobook Narration of the Year - Best Voiceover, by the Society of Voice Arts & Sciences™.

He is a U.S. Army veteran and served in both Afghanistan and Iraq as an aviator. He is an avid outdoorsman and spends what little free time he has enjoying outdoor shooting sports, hiking, and camping. 

E.G. Rowley is a sought-after public speaker and owns several successful businesses.

He and his beautiful wife, Mandy have been married for more than twenty-five years and have three incredible daughters. They live near Birmingham, Alabama.


Adam Sanford is an illustrator, author, and art educator based in North Georgia. He earned a BFA in Painting and Drawing from the School of Art and Design at Kennesaw State University. As an illustrator he has worked with acrobats, conventions, photographers, and media companies across the country and internationally.


Adam’s work has been shown and sold in Atlanta including the Swan Coach House Gallery, the Georgia Lawyers for the Arts’ Annual Gala, and DragonCon. His work has been published in children’s books, The Sketchbook Project World Tour, and featured on Disney’s BoardWalk.


Adam is a husband and father of four boys. His sons are his favorite source of inspiration for his work.


Though known to the world for his acting work, Armin Shimerman is a passionate bardologist. A graduate of UCLA, with a degree in English and a specialization in Shakespeare, Armin has performed a third of Shakespeare’s canon at many major Regional Theatres (and Shakespeare Festivals) around the country.

He is an Adjunct Professor at USC and a sought after Shakespeare acting coach. His past novels, The Merchant Prince series, are also based on John Dee, Elizabeth I’s controversial occultist and counselor.


Dawn Kirby is a native West Texan. She lives with her husband of twenty-five years and their three children. By day she’s a typical working mother and wife. At night she turns in the car keys and calculator and turns on her imagination.

She began writing eight years ago when an idea planted itself inside her head and refused to stop growing. Since than she’s written and published several anthologies and three novels. With a passionate curiosity for all things that go bump in the night, she plans to write many more.


Stevie Tisius, grew up learning about cryptids and loving them. Her dad really fostered in her a love for these strange and mysterious creatures, to the point that she is working on a certification in cryptozoology! Stevie wanted to share this delightful experience with others, and showing that these creatures, while sometimes fearsome, are fascinating and worthy of study. Maybe the idea of Sasquatch seems far-fetched, but remember, we thought the same thing about the great apes of the mountains until 1902! 


During his life Will has given concerts, managed concession stands, taught music lessons, worked in construction, preached sermons, created board games, designed and built websites, and probably more things he has forgotten. He can’t seem to stop his brain from conjuring up fun ideas, so he decided to start writing some of them down. He lives in the U.S. with his family and an oversized golden retriever.

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Born on the Summer Solstice, Brian Weimer is the author of The Citadel and the faith-based Nexus series, supernatural thrillers exploring the universal conflict between good and evil. A former writer for The Examiner, contributing articles on alternative news, spirituality in pop-culture and entertainment, health and nutrition, and emerging global threats. He is currently working on several projects.


Joe Gribble is a novelist and award-winning screenwriter. His stories range from mythical, to modern drama, to action thrillers, to comedies. He is retired from the US Air Force and has been a technical manager on programs supporting the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. His characters are drawn from the many people he has worked with in the past, and those he works with now as a volunteer for Team Rubicon (a veteran led disaster response organization).


Catherine Wells he is the author of numerous novels and short stories of speculative fiction, including two AnLab Award winners for best novella. Retired from a 20+ year in corporate libraries, she enjoys hiking, bicycling, playing bass guitar, and singing.


For more about Catherine, her books and short stories, visit her Facebook page at Catherine.Wells.733.


William Heinzen is the author of the fantasy novels Warrior of Light and City of Darkness, as well as the short stories Malichon Manor, Nightfall, and Shadows in the Snow. He has been a guest at FanExpo New Orleans, Tampa Bay Comic Convention, ValleyCon, and iMagicon. He has also presented at North Dakota State University’s Creative Writing Camp. William works as a cybersecurity professional by day and writes by night.


Frantiska Oliver currently resides in Texas with her husband, Billy, and their two children. Along with being a full-time mom, she is also a part-time veterinary technician and will do anything she can to help an animal in need. Her love of fantasy and science fiction books inspired her to write and to this day, when the sun sets and the stars appear, you will find her on the back porch with a notebook and pen, writing about the adventuring manifesting within her head.

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Rabbi Jeff Friedlander is a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus). Rabbi Jeff and his wife Sherri have been married since 1990. They began their journey together at the University of Georgia. After graduating with a B.S. in Hospitality Management, they were married and now have four adult children, four grandchildren and Sherri’s dog, Rosie. Yes, the dog is that important. Dedicating their first year of marriage to the L-rd, they attended a ministry leadership program called The Master's Commission in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition to the Berean Bible College curriculum, each student participated in practical hands-on ministry.


Rabbi Jeff received a Christian Worker's License and was ordained through the International Assemblies of God Fellowship as a minister. Rabbi Jeff also attended Rabbinical training and was ordained as a Messianic Rabbi and Teacher. In addition to ministry, he owned and managed several businesses for over two decades.


Today he leads Be One Ministries and Fellowship in Birmingham, Alabama.

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Steve Dahill is a direct descendant of the privateer Brother of Revolutionary War hero John Barry cited as the “Father of the United States Navy”. Steve is also a direct descendant of revered rebels hanged by the British during the Irish Rebellion of 1798. 


Dahill spent many years as an executive in the software industry in Boston, Massachusetts where he lives, overlooking theUSS Constitution in Boston Harbor, and sails Riva, his racing sailboat, along the southern New England coast with his family.

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